kompania news


06 April 2016

A big thanks to all our friends!!! Watching our new promo videos resulted to be ranked #2 and #4 in "Ethnocloud's top40 videos" for March 2016 (http://ethnocloud.com/world-music/charts)!!

Thank you for the support!!!


17 March 2016


"SOLIDARebetika" Musical Collectivity (solidarebetika@yahoo.gr) calls more than 50 top rebetiko artists, to join forces and sing together, in order to gather food, medicine and other essentials for the refugees from Syria & Iraq. Of course KOMPANÍA will be part of this project! The entrance is free, so come with your hearts full of solidarity and your bags full of food, medicine and everything else that you will find in the special list published, at 21st of May 2016, from 19:30, in "Ilion plus" music stage!!! For details check here: 



12 March 2016


A very special night will take place on 21.3.2016 and KOMPANÍA will be part of it! The 21st of March is the "International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination" and at that same date a lot of rebetiko artists will come together in Athens and sing to gather food and medicine for the refugees from Syria and Iraq. More details very soon...


01 March 2016


Check out two, all new, KOMPANÍA demo videos, "Felaches glykies" and "Barbaouzos", in our "videos" page!!!


29 February 2016


Finally, we are back!!! We can officialy announce and welcome the new "KOMPANÍA" members, Ioulia Karapataki (lead singer, guitar) & Thodoris Petropoulos (bouzouki, vocals), two of the most promising musicians of the new generation in Greece! We also promise a lot of exciting news very soon... Keep in touch!!!